Delayed local plans

Policy uncertainty over the last three years, and particularly over the last year, has slowed local plan-making significantly. Such uncertainties have been further compounded by publication of the NPPF consultation at the end of 2022, which subsequently had a knock-on impact in the number of local plans which were adopted throughout the year, and we are now seeing an increasing number of LPAs withdraw or stall their local plan consultations as a result.

Currently, 64 LPAs have delayed or withdrawn their local plans. HBF is monitoring this situation and a running list of affected local authorities can be found below.

The information provided below is believed to be accurate as of 8th November 2023.

Local Plans stalled, delayed, or withdrawn prior to the Written Ministerial Statement (6th December 2022) (Please note that their positions may have since moved on)

Withdrawn from examination due to concerns about level of Green Belt release and the LURB

The Council have begun preparing a new local plan. Consultation on Issues and Options ended September 5th 2023. Second Reg 18 consultation scheduled for Q3 2024 and Reg 19 for Q4 2025. Adoption expected Q4 2027.

Council approved a new Local Plan timetable under which the draft is not scheduled to be submitted until 2024.

There is now no agreed timetable for when the Local Plan will be in place. Cllr Cohgen said “The 2023 [target] has been shelved because we have shelved the previous draft local plan. We don’t have an agreed timetable but it certainly wont be ready for 2023 – it is more likely to be 2024 or 25… Part of the reason for this was the need to obtain clarity from government regarding the calculation of housing need and changes to national policy.” (meeting November 23rd 2022)

Resolved in January to delay work on its draft plan in order to await government policy changes but has yet to publish an updated review timetable.

Reg 18 Consultation has now taken place between November 7th – 19th December 2022

Publication of reg 19 is scheduled for Summer/ Autumn 2023.

Timetable was agreed in September that sets out a provisional date of December 2025 for adoption of the new Local Plan.

Reg 18 consultation on Draft Local Plan took place between July and September 2023 as scheduled.

Announced in July that adoption of its Local Plan had been put back by two years to 2026. With the update from the Portfolio Holder for Planning noting “There is an opportunity for Dorset’s local plan to be at the forefront of expected changes to the planning system which have been set out in the Levelling Up and regeneration Bill.”

After pausing its plan in October 2021, Ashfield announced in August 2022 that it intends to progress its local plan to the next stage of consultation but has significantly reduced the provision of new homes within this.

Arun’s full council voted in July to overturn a decision by its planning policy committee to resume work on its emerging local plan. Arun resolved in October last year to pause work on the plan due to uncertainty over the direction of the government’s planning reforms.

The Council have agreed in July 2023 to recommence its local plan review

Refused in July to accept a planning inspector's recommendation that its emerging local plan must accommodate 15,200 new homes, prompting a warning from him that they will have to withdraw the plan from examination.

Consultation on further main modifications closed on the 28th of August 2023.

Withdrawn from examination after being found ‘Sound’ by the Inspector due to concerns about level of Green Belt release and the LURB.

Adopted LDS indicates formal regulation 18 consultation expected June 2024 with Reg 19 in February 2025. Adoption expected March 2026.

Withdrawn its Local Plan from examination in March 2022.

Reg 18 completed at start of 2023. Reg 19 expected in Q1 of 2024.

Announced a second consultation on its Local Plan, which the Council said is required due to the government’s “deeply flawed planning rules and brutal housing targets”. The council’s new local development scheme, published in August, pushes back its target adoption date by 18 months to September 2025.

New LDS published July 2023. Reg 18 consultation now expected to take place in January 2024 with Reg 19 in July 2024.

In September 2022 announced a pause to the current published local plan timetable to allow more time to complete further work ahead of publishing a draft local plan for consultation.

Presentation to Local Plan Leadership Group on 26th of July indicates regulation 18 consultation on a Draft Local Plan is expected to take place in the Autumn 2023 and regulation 19 consultation in summer of 2024.

The recently established council’s cabinet announced in July 2022 a two year delay in the adoption date for its Local Plan.

Additional consultation on further modifications closed 9th December 2022.

Local Plan adopted March 2023.

Adoption of the local plan will be delayed by up to 2 years.

Consultation on Development Alternatives scheduled for summer/ autumn 2023 and publication of draft plan scheduled for early 2024. Cabinet Forward Plan indicates decision on Reg 18 Local Plan to be made at 5th September 2023 meeting.

Cabinet resolved in July to delay the target date for adoption of its local plan review by 14 months to May 2026. The council said that the move had been prompted by uncertainties surrounding issues including the final decision on the Development Consent Order for Manston Airport, the government’s revisions to its ‘standard method’ of assessing local housing need and planning reforms.

LDS schedules a reg 18 consultation on Local Plan update for September 2023 and Reg 19 for September 2024.

At a Full Council meeting (18th October 2022) the Council supported a delay in agreeing its Local Plan and resolved to push back against the government housing figures allocated to Three Rivers.,up%2076%25%20of%20Three%20Rivers

Consultation on additional sites ended on the 30th of March 2023. Additional reg 18 consultations on preferred local plan and housing numbers in Sep/Oct 2023. Regulation 19 scheduled for August/ September 2024.

Delayed Reg 18 consultation on emerging Local Plan stating “There is too much uncertainty currently which would directly affect our Local Plan strategy and the content of our draft plan for us to consult on a Draft Local Plan at this time.”

Update on Local Pan following WMS – Council plans to bring an updated timetable for the Local Plan to sub committee in the new year once they have had the opportunity to consider the nature of the planning reforms.

Local Plan Update Note (March 2023) - “As matters stand, we are likely to publish our plan for consultation in late summer/early Autumn 2023… We will write again following the publication of the NPPF changes to confirm our timetable.”

Delayed their Local Plan consultation for a year “to allow extra time for planners to identify the true level of local need for new homes… this will consequently now push back the adoption of the Local Plan until autumn 2025”.,Local%20Plan%20until%20autumn%202025

In October 2022 the Council announced it would be withdrawing from the Black Country Plan due to concerns about the proposed level of Green Belt release. The Plan was then abandoned by the other participating authorities.

Local Plan Watch: Black Country councils estimate over £1.1 million extra spend to prepare new plans after joint strategy scrapped | Planning Resource

In November 2022 the Council’s Cabinet agreed to start work on a new Dudley Local Plan. Consultation on the draft plan (Reg 18) is expected autumn/winter 2023 and adoption of the plan is anticipated in Spring 2026.

Following the withdrawal of Dudley and the subsequent abandonment of the Black Country Plan, Walsall agreed at Cabinet in November 2022 to start work on a Walsall Local Plan.

Council’s local plan website states that they will no longer be consulting on the Issues and Options in September /October 2023, as the Government are currently reviewing the NPPF, the Council wants to consider the outcomes of this review as it may affect the content of the local plan.

Following the withdrawal of Dudley and the subsequent abandonment of the Black Country Plan Wolverhampton will be preparing a Local Plan for the City and the Council Leader has committed to protecting the city’s Green Belt.

Leader underlines commitment to protecting green belt | City Of Wolverhampton Council

LDS (February 2023) notes the Reg 18 consultation should take place July-Sept 2023 with adoption of the plan anticipated for late 2025.

Following the withdrawal of Dudley and subsequent abandonment of the Black Country Plan Sandwell have started work on a new Local Plan.

Planning Policy | Sandwell Council

Consultation on Issues and Options took place between February and March 2023, with adoption of the plan anticipated for late 2025.

The Council delayed submission of its emerging Local Plan in September 2022

Council delays local plan submission over new PM and national policy uncertainty | Planning Resource

The LDS (approved in December 2022) extends the plan period to 2041 and revises the timetable, with adopted of the local plan now anticipated for August 2025.

In October 2022 the Council announced its Local Plan would be submitted for examination three months later than originally planned due to uncertainty over housing need and national policy uncertainties.

Council delays local plan work over housing need and national policy uncertainties | Planning Resource

Consultation on the Reg 19 Plan taking place September-October 2023.

In September 2022 the authority announced that the Greater Norwich local Plan would be delayed nearly two years due to nutrient neutrality concerns.

Joint plan could be delayed by nearly two years over nutrient neutrality | Planning Resource

The Local Plan has recommenced following delays to consider nutrient neutrality and Gypsy and Traveller sites.

The timetable for the Local Plan set out in the LDS was updated following the need to undertake additional transport modelling work.

The Council’s website states that the LDS is now out of date and that this will be revised as soon as possible after the proposed changes to the NPPF are published in Spring 2023.

In September 2022 the authority voted to pause work on its Local Plan pending clarification on future government policy.

Agenda Document for Planning Policy Committee, 22/09/2022 (

A procedural meeting held on the 27th of July 2023 between the Inspector and Council to provide the Inspector with further information as to whether the examination can proceed. The Inspector considers the plan to be unsound and on the available evidence cannot be found sound without modifications that would make the plan fundamentally different to the one submitted. The Inspectors letter settings this out, will be discussed at the Planning Policy Committee on 21st September.

Local Plans stalled, delayed or amended post Written Ministerial Statement (6th December 2022)

Delayed the Cabinet meeting scheduled for 15th December to consider Local Plan.

On 9th January 2023 Councillors at a private meeting voted not to take their Reg 19 Local Plan to Cabinet and Extraordinary Council on 18th January (Cabinet and Extraordinary Council meetings scheduled for 18th January were both cancelled).

Following the local elections on 4 May 2023 there has been a change to the majority party at Horsham District Council. Officers within the Strategic Planning Team are currently working with elected Councillors to agree a new Local Plan review timetable which will be updated in due course. LDS on Council Forward plan to be considered at September Cabinet meeting.

Extraordinary Council, Full Council meeting scheduled for 15th December postponed following the WMS.

The Council have since voted (12th January) to proceed with the consultation.

Consultation on the Reg 19 Local Plan took place between January and March 2023.

In light of the WMS the council have decided to pause before moving onto the next stage of plan preparation – They had been due to consult on modifications in January 2023.

Pause in the Local Plan Process – Latest news from Mole Valley District Council

Councillors have released a statement setting out their intention to propose a Main Modification to the Inspector to remove all Green Belt allocations from the Local Plan. An extraordinary council meeting was held on 16th January to discuss the proposal.

The Council has requested an extension to the pause in the local plan process beyond the 25th May due to the NPPF revisions being delayed.

The Inspector has accepted the Council’s request to extend the pause in the local plan until there is clarity on national policy.

Cabinet meeting (8th December) resolved to approve publication of the Strategic Plan Preferred Approach document and Sustainability Appraisal in so far as it relates to Gedling Borough with the exception of proposals to release Green Belt land at Teal Close, in light of the Ministerial Statement made on 6th December 2022…

The preferred approach consultation of the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan took place in January – February 2023.

Have announced an 11 month delay to the adoption of their emerging joint local plan. Now proposing adoption of the plan in September 2025 rather than October 2024 (It is unclear whether this delay is as a result of the LURB/WMS).

The updated LDS agreed in June 2023 outlines that the Preferred Option consultation will now take place in October 2023 and Reg 19 in July/ August 2024. Forward Plan indicates decision by Cabinet at its meeting on 28th of September 2023.

Council’s Cabinet (7th December) approved a revised timetable for the review of its 2015 local plan. Delaying the submission of the new draft plan for examination by over a year. “In light of the national and local changes, the council needs to review and evaluate options for new development with updated supporting evidence to deliver homes to achieve a five-year housing supply.”

According to the latest LDS the Reg 18 consultation of the new Local Plan should commence in Autumn 2023, with adoption anticipated for late 2025/early 2026.

In addition to previous delays with the Local Plan, Stockport have now taken the decision to defer the planned consultation on the Local Plan following the WMS.

Statement: Stockport Local Plan latest – December 16, 2022 – Stockport Council

“The Council has taken the decision to defer the planned consultation on our Local Plan following the publication of the Ministerial Statement issued on 6th December which proposes amongst other things significant changes to the way in which we need to consider housing targets for local areas and in particular protection of the green belt.”

At Scrutiny Committee on 15th June it was noted under agenda item 8 that “the plan had been paused in December 2022 in light of the national situation and subsequent consultation. Local authorities were awaiting news from government as to the outcome of the NPPF consultation; the council was not in a position to begin consulting on the draft plan at this stage.”

Agenda for Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee on Thursday, 15th June, 2023, 6.00 pm - Stockport Council

The Head of Planning confirmed that there will be a delay to the next stage of Local Plan consultation. “Given this latest news from Government about changes to the planning system it will now take longer before we can publish our next draft Local Plan. We need to understand the implications of the reforms first. We expect the consultation on a revised National Planning Policy Framework to be launched before Christmas and will be responding to it.”

North Somerset Council – Local Plan update – Wraxall & Failand Parish Council (

The LDS (August 2023) notes that the Reg 19 consultation is expected to take place November/December 2023, with adoption of the plan scheduled for December 2024.

At Cabinet meeting on 3rd January it was agreed that a new LDS could be published. The new LDS shows the Council will consult on the plan September/October 2023 and expects submission July 2024 and adoption December 2024.

Report (

The Council have delayed submission of their Local Plan to SoS for examination whilst they assess the implications of the potential planning reforms.

“We will be seeking clarity on the new national proposals and until we fully understand the potential implications, we will not be submitting the Local Plan to the Inspectorate for examination.”

A statement from July 2023 on the Council’s website states “the council is revisiting the evidence that underpins the plan and is now moving forwards again, aiming to undertake a new public consultation in early 2024. We are still awaiting the outcomes of the government’s consultation on their proposed changes, but they have given no indication of when this will be or what form they will take.”

At Full Council (18th January) members voted through a motion that delayed the Local Plan.

Councillor Fuller said “The government is proposing to make changes to national planning policy, some of which could be in place as early as Spring 2023 and some of which could have significant impacts for the island, therefore it is imperative that the Council fully appreciates what impact these changes may have on the preparation of our Local Plan. This is why I will be asking Full Council for more time for the Draft Island Planning Strategy to come back before Full Council…”

Pause for draft Island Plan (

Draft Island Planning Strategy was discussed at Cabinet on the 11 May 2023 and decided not to progress either of the options provided. They will not bring forward the draft local plan until full implications of the Government’s proposed changes to national planning policy.

Updated LDS agreed in June 2023. Preferred option consultation will now take place in October 2023 and Reg 19 in July/ August 2024. Forward Plan indicates decision by Cabinet at its meeting on 28th of September 2023.

At a meeting of the Council Executive (19th January) the Council decided to defer consideration of the Local Plan before proceeding to Regulation 18 public consultation.

Time to consider feedback will strengthen Local Plan | Cherwell District Council

Executive Forward Plan indicates decision on Reg 18 local plan consultation now due in September 2023.

The Council are delaying consultation on the Submission Draft Local Plan, that was due to take place Spring 2023 to later in the year (Autumn/Winter 2023).

“This is so the next stage of the draft can include changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which are part of a national policy consultation announced by Government shortly before Christmas.”

The Council’s website notes that the Reg 19 consultation is due to take place in January 2024.

In a Local Plan Review update (9th February 2023) the Council have stated that it would be premature to conclude their review of the adopted Local Plan, in the absence of key decisions on critical infrastructure including East West Rail, and future updates to national policy and plan making.

12.1 Local Plan Review update report.pdf (

Regulation 19 consultation on Local Plan was scheduled to take place January/February 2023 however the timetable has now been delayed and will “take into account recent government proposals about important changes to the national rules governing local plans.”


Regulation 19 consultation was scheduled for November 2023 to January 2024.

This consultation has now been delayed to allow further work to be completed.

Local Plan timetable update | Surrey Heath Borough Council

The Council have decided that no further discussions or decisions on potential sites for the Local Plan will take place until the Government makes decisions on national policy.

15 February 2023 - Discussions on Local Plan sites to wait while Government clarifies flexibility of housing targets - East Devon

An Extraordinary Meeting of West Berkshire Council is due to take place on 2nd March with a proposal to abandon the consultation on the Local Plan which commenced on 20th January and undertake a new Regulation 19 consultation in the future. Reference is made in the report to the WMS of 6th December.

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Council, 02/03/2023 21:00 (

Local Plan Review was submitted to the Secretary of State on the 31st of March 2023. The Council have asked for an extension in order to give them time to brief new members on the local plan review. The inspector examining the West Berkshire Local Plan has given them until end of September to respond to his preliminary questions. It is now expected that the hearings will not take place until early 2024.

The Council have confirmed that the Preferred Options consultation of the Local Plan review has been delayed by 1 year and is now scheduled to take place in early 2024.

“However, in light of the delay in starting and closing the Issues and Options consultation, emerging changes in national policy and the forthcoming Council local elections, this is no longer achievable. It is considered that a more realistic timeframe, and one which continues to respond effectively to the Government’s expectations on local authorities to maintain an up-to-date local plan for the area, will be to undertake the Preferred Options consultation in early 2024.”

item-5-review-of-local-plan.pdf (

The Local Plan Review has been delayed and an updated LDS will be presented to Cabinet in June.

“The Government is proposing a number of changes throughout the NPPF and there are significant amendments that relate to plan making. For the Council to fully consider the implications of these changes and incorporate amendments to ensure compliance with the proposed NPPF, the consultation that was due to take place in March will be delayed.”

SKDC Local Plan Review (2021-2041) (

The LDS (May 2023) notes that the Reg 18 consultation is scheduled for Winter 2023/24, with adoption of the plan anticipated for spring 2026.

Cotswold District Council have said that it will submit its local plan for examination more than a year later than had been expected.

The Council website notes that the Reg 19 consultation is scheduled for Winter 2023/24.

The Council has responded to the Inspector’s latest letter and has accepted that the examination of the Solihull Local Plan should be paused to enable the finalised version of the NPPF to be published.

DownloadDoc.ashx (

In a report to CPH Climate Change and Planning, in July 2023, the Council provided a minor update on the Local Plan review process, which revolved around waiting for the revised NPPF to be published and then having further hearing sessions. The Council have also noted that with regards to the determination on applications on draft allocations they will take a more proactive stance.

The latest update on the examination website (9th June 2023) notes that the Local Plan is still paused pending the publication of the updated NPPF.

The Council note “There is a limit to how much progress we can make until the government has confirmed the detail and timetable for the proposed changes.”

The Local Plan for Buckinghamshire | Buckinghamshire Council

The Council have approved a revised LDS that means its Local Plan will be submitted for examination six months later than originally expected.

Council approves policies for draft plan despite duty to co-operate warning | Planning Resource

The LDS (April 2023) schedules submission of the local plan for September 2023 and adoption for June 2024. However these dates will not be met as the Reg 19 consultation is yet to take place.

The Council have confirmed that they will be undertaking an additional consultation on part two of its emerging spatial strategy to ensure that it fully aligns with the modified version of its Local Plan Part 1. This extra draft will cause a significant delay.

New consultation delay hits troubled local plan | Planning Resource

Following public consultation on the draft Local Plan the Council have passed a motion to pause the Local Plan. Cllr Kington said “a pause would acknowledge the strength of public feeling on the Plan, enable a reassessment of brownfield sites, and provide opportunity to look at options that do not use Greenbelt land at all.”

Planning or pantomime? Councillors press pause on Plan. › (

The Planning Policy Committee will consider a report on 26th September 2023, which seeks the recommendation that work on the local plan is un-paused.

Croydon’s Cabinet have approved a new LDS which sets out that the Local Plan will be adopted by December 2025, this supersedes the previous LDS which had expected the Local Plan review to be adopted in late 2022.

London borough confirms three-year delay to local plan | Planning Resource

The LDS (March 2023) suggests the submission consultation will take place January/February 2024, with submission in summer 2024 and adoption by December 2025.

The Council has formally requested that the planning inspector pause the examination hearings for its Local Plan for 3 months. This is following the local election and is “to allow time for the new council to understand and review the policies and implications of the local plan…”

Surrey council that changed leadership in local elections to ask inspector for three-month pause to local plan examination | Planning Resource

In September 2023 the government has intervened in the local plan process under section 27 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 to ensure that the Council do not take any steps to withdraw the plan from examination.

The Council have responded to the letter issued by the Housing Minister stating that “Like most councils, we have been waiting on the updated NPPF since it was promised in May 2023 and there is still no definitive timeline for its publication. Your own Planning Inspectorate has already agreed to pause other examinations (e.g. Mole Valley and Solihull) for exactly this reason.”

The Council have stated “It will be important for us to reflect on any changes in national policy before agreeing a revised programme for the LPU and publishing the next stage. An update to the Local development Scheme will be published in due course to replace the previous version.”

Local Plan Update - Wokingham Borough Council

The LDS (July 2023) outlines that the proposed submission consultation should take place in November 2023, with submission of the local plan update between March and June 2024.

The Council have confirmed that they are postponing submission of their Local Plan in order to ensure all feedback to the consultation on its draft Local Plan is thoroughly considered. The Council now expects to submit their Local Plan in September, which is 5 months later than set out in their LDS.

City admits further five-month delay to local plan submission | Planning Resource

Full Council have endorsed amendments, meaning that the draft Local Plan can be submitted for examination.

At a Cabinet meeting on 22nd June the decision was made that the Sefton Local Plan (2017) needed a partial update, but that this should not be progressed until full details of the Government’s changes to the planning system are published later this year.

The council has confirmed that it has temporarily paused work on its local plan, as a result of the proposed changes to the plan making system. A spokesperson for the council stated that “it makes sense for us to wait for the new rules to take effect before investing significant further officer time and consultancy costs on preparation work that may not all be necessary”

Impending plan system reforms spark London borough to pause local plan work | Planning Resource

The Council are seeking to withdraw their plan from Examination. The recommendation for withdrawal of the proposed new Local Plan will be discussed by the Cabinet before being taken before Full Council on Tuesday 17 October for discussion. Councillor Alex Farrell stated “It’s clear that the proposed new Local Plan 2040, which was submitted for examination last year, was not appropriate given both the changes that we have seen (and continue to see take place) in government national policy in the four years since it was initiated…”

At a meeting of full council on 17 October 2023, Lichfield District Council made the decision to withdraw its proposed local plan 2040.

The Council has confirmed that it will not be publishing the next stage of the Local Plan Update before the emerging government policy has been formalised.

The local plan update: a landscape to thrive - Torbay Council

The Councils have provided an update on the South Warwickshire Local Plan, noting that since the existing timetable for the preparation of the Plan was approved in March 2022 a number of factors are now requiring a revision to this timetable, including the uncertainty of potential changes to national planning policy and to the planning system, including the process for producing plans. This proposed timetable envisages a Preferred Options consultation in autumn 2024 followed by further stages of consultation and a public examination, with final adoption of the Plan by 2027.

LPAs seeking to reduce their housing requirement.

  • Basingstoke & Deane – Proposing to use a stepped housing requirement to effectively reduce the full SM in the first 5 years of the plan, and hoping that when they need to do a review in 5 years’ time, the requirement will at that point be lower. This reduces the SM figure of 850dpa to under 700dpa for 5 years from 2025. Stepped trajectory approach (
  • Three Rivers - Have just issued their revised local plan. It seeks to deliver just 4,852 homes up until 2041, against the Standard Method figure of 11,466.
  • Wiltshire – The Regulation 19 consultation document reduces the overall number of houses to be delivered in Wiltshire from 45,630 to 36,740.
  • Bristol – The Regulation 19 consultation document proposes the deliver of 1,925 dwellings per year from 2023-2040 (total 34,500). However, the SM figure is 3,380 per annum (equating to 57,460 over 17 years). This is a 22,960 shortfall over the 17 year period.
  • North Somerset – The Regulation 19 consultation document proposes to deliver 14,902 dwellings (over the period 2024-2029). The latest SM figure is 1,347 per annum (equating to 20,202 for the plan period). This is a shortfall of 5,303 over the 15 years.
  • Dacorum – The Council have released an updated version of the local plan which reduces the proposed number of green belt housing allocations from 16 to 4. The updated document proposes to allocate land for 14,345 homes (around 900 dpa) over the period 2024-2040. This compares to 16,899 homes (around 940 dpa) over the period 2020-2038 in the previous consultation draft. Using the standard method 1,018 dpa are required. The current proposals would result in a shortfall of approximately 3,000 homes over the plan period.

The information provided above is believed to be accurate as at 8th November 2023, but please highlight any discrepancies to either:

Phill Bamford – LPDF Policy Director – or

Sam Stafford – HBF Planning Director –