CIJC Pay Negotiations

31 Aug, 2012

When employers and unions met earlier this week a settlement to the long running pay and conditions claim was reached.
Please find attached the formal promulgation and a full briefing but in summary there is an increase in basic (minimum) rates of 2% from 7 January 2013 with the next review due from 6 January 2014.
This settlement will increase the minimum rate for a craftsman by 21 pence per hour to £10.67 per hour.  As CIJC does not agree across the board percentages but minimum rates those employers who already pay £10.67 per hour or more need not be affected.
Sick pay and the taxed travel allowances remain frozen at the 2008 levels.
The next increase in the non taxed  fare and subsistence allowances will be deferred from June 2013 to January 2014.

Wage Promulgation 2012

- 56.5 KB


CIJC Pay Rates 2013

- 64.9 KB
