Northumberland County Council and National Park, joint structure plan review

31 May, 2004

The report of the EIP panel into the joint structure plan review is now available. Northumberland County Council and the National Park Authority will publish a statement of response to the panel report at the same time as the proposed modifications.

The panel supported the structure plan's proposed extension to the green belt - but it was not persuaded by arguments to increase overall housing levels above those set out in RPG1.

The inspector recommends that districts 'manage down' the rate of development and that no change be made to the total annual housing figures. It recognises that the matter will be considered again shortly once the regional spatial strategy is published to replace RPG1.

For further information, please contact either Mark Johnson, regional planner or Gen Berridge, assistant regional planner on 01904 557 624.

If you would like a copy of the panel report, please contact the strategic policy and initiatives team at Northumberland County Council.