East Cambridgeshire local development scheme

1 September, 2004

HBF has submitted written comments to East Cambridgeshire District Council about its draft local development scheme.

Paragraph 4.4

Reference is made to the continued use of existing SPGs until such time as they can be reissued as SPDs. The HBF points out that SPGs could only be used to supplement policies in an adopted local plan. Furthermore, once new LDD documents are adopted, these will override and end the need for many current SPGs.

Figure 2 - Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)

It is assumed that the long list of SPDs replacing SPGs will be used by the council to identify specific developer contributions that development will be required to make.

The HBF understands that in terms of affordable housing, planning obligations, public open space etc., such an approach will not be permissible under the new planning Act. Matters of importance to development costs will instead need to be clearly set out in an LDD (rather than being left to an SPD).

The HBF does not consider it either necessary or appropriate to seek to turn every SPG into SPD. This would be an inappropriate use of available staff resources.

Proposed Local Development Documents

Paragraph 4.4

See above comments.

Figure 3 Structure of LDF

See above comments.

Figure 5 Schedule of proposed LDF documents

See above comments.

Appendix 1 Profile of Local Development Documents

See above comments.

For further information:

Paul Cronk

HBF Eastern & East Midlands Regional Planner

Tel: 0207 7960 1625 or 01206 303825
