On average residents of new build homes save £126 (27%) of their annual water bills compared to older homes, using around 40 litres less each day according to research from the Home Builders Federation.To help homeowners maximise these savings, the Home Builders Federation has launched a new guide in collaboration with Waterwise as part of New Homes Week. The guide provides practical tips for residents on how to further reduce their water consumption in key areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, and gardens, and drive down their bills even further.New builds save their occupants money in a range of ways. From water efficient taps, toilets and showers to the most modern appliances, they are helping address the almost 5 billion litres of additional water we as a country use every day, compared to the 1960s.The importance of water conservation has never been more critical. As a result of climate change and population growth, the pressure on water resources has significantly increased and we face a severe shortfall in the coming years unless swift action is taken.The Environment Agency (EA) has advised against multiple new housing schemes due to pressure on the local water supply, for example in Cambridge and Sussex.While recent announcements by the Chancellor that the EA has been convinced to drop opposition around Cambridge, ongoing pressures and delays are likely to lead to further challenges in other regions.New build properties are making a substantial impact in reducing water usage.The average property in the UK uses around 150 litres of water per person per day (LPPPD), with the average household (2.4 people) totalling 130,000 litres of water per year.In comparison, new build homes use an average of 110 litres per person per day, totalling 96,000 per year. Scaling the savings up for the 240,000 new homes built last year, almost 8.5 billion litres of water were saved - the equivalent of 3,360 Olympic-sized swimming pools. This is thanks to the efficiency measures embedded into new build designs and evolved building regulations.These water savings translate into financial savings for purchasers of new build homes. The average water bill for an existing property is £473 a year, but for new builds, that are fitted with water meters and use significantly less water, this drops to £347.By choosing a new-build home, buyers are not only reducing their utility bills but also contributing to a more sustainable future. With smarter water use and innovative home design, new build homes provide a practical solution to the country’s pressing water concerns—ensuring long-term benefits for both homeowners and the environment.To look at the potential savings that could be made, members of the House Builders Federation can download the water saving guide online.Neil Jefferson, Chief Executive at HBF, said: “Reducing the amount of water we use as a country is imperative. The house building industry is committed to playing its part and billions of litres of water are being saved each year by the purchasers of new build homes. This not only helps the environment, it also saves new build purchasers money, another benefit of buying new.”Nicci Russell, Chief Executive at Waterwise, said: "New build homes provide a practical solution to the country's pressing water concerns—ensuring long-term benefits for both homeowners and the environment. However, nothing happens without water and even with innovative design, saving water is everyone’s responsibility. We hope this new guide, published by Waterwise and HBF, will help new homeowners to understand how they can do their part to protect this valuable resource.” -ENDS -For media enquiries contact HBF’s communications team at media@hbf.co.ukAbout The Home Builders Federation (HBF) is the principal representative body for private sector home builders and the voice of the home building industry in England and Wales. HBF member firms account for some 80% of all new homes built in England and Wales in any one year, and include companies of all sizes, ranging from widely recognised national firms, through regionally based businesses and small local companies: hbf.co.ukWaterwise is the leading independent voice in the UK for using water wisely, for the benefit of people and the planet. Uniquely placed at the heart of the UK water efficiency community, our vision is that water is used wisely every day, everywhere, by everyone. We work with organisations, individuals and communities to lead and inspire change so that water is never wasted. Find out more at www.waterwise.org.ukResearch from HBF’s Wat-er Save report.New Homes Week is an annual celebration of new build homes. The campaign is delivered by the Home Builders Federation to provide a positive platform for the home building industry, new build homeowners and potential home buyers to celebrate the benefits of new build homes: https://new-homes.co.uk/new-homes-week/